The critical state of nursing
As we optimistically foresee the end of Covid (it’s not over yet) the long tail of it’s effects are alive and present in all aspects of our healthcare system. The big question - how are the nurses themselves feeling?
According to the state of nursing 2022 review (https://www.werpn.com/news-details/ the-state-of-nursing-in-ontario-a-2022-review/) which interviewed 55,000 RPNs in Ontario, the situation is dire. Sit tight, here come several sobering stats!
First of all 93% of nurses said their workload has increased in the past 2-3 years, 87% say they have been given more responsibilities, and 68% said they don’t have the time or resources to provide adequate care - which has become a normalized state across much of the industry. 88% of RPNs say they have been impacted by staffing shortages with many facing added stress, increased isolation and a staggering 6 in 10 nurses cite mental heath deterioration due to stress regarding staffing shortages.
So what does this all mean? 47% of RPNs are considering leaving the profession - the biggest culprit - burnout. And perhaps the most depressing statistic of all - only 36% of RPNs surveyed said they are proud to be a nurse. A dramatic drop from 67% in December 2020.
At Staffy we are not only proud of our nurses, but we are honoured to be given the opportunity to assist with your continued success. We offer a lot of options for healthcare workers to find greater flexibility in their workload and experience working across a variety of healthcare facilities. We aren’t here to try to replace your full time job - but if you are needing to change your schedule, reduce your number of shifts or pick up some additional shifts, we are here to help facilitate the schedule that will be most beneficial to you.
Burnout is very real for so many - and we would love to see you stay in your nursing profession part time, than lose you from this incredibly important role entirely. Our heartfelt thanks and applause for all that you do!

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